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Why do we Die

By Dr. Micho Kali, Theoretical Physicist

Why do we die? We die because of the buildup of error in our DNA, errors in our cells because of chaos in our cells as stablished in the second law of thermodynamics and treating from the outside can prolong life. For example, in you eat 30 percent less, you live 30 percent longer. There are beings in the animal kingdom that can live a long life. So correcting the error at cellular and DNA level is possible to extend life. In an open environment for example Sun can reverse the process and that’s how evolution takes place.

The difference between humans and animals is the front of the brain, the prefrontal cortex. Human’s prefrontal cortex is more developed than animals and because of that humans have more sense of the past and the future and lives more in these two times than in the present moment.

Animals are only aware of the present moment, which is why they always live in it.

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