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Who’s the Boss?

By Jose N Garcia, Vedic Astrologer

The sum of the conscience of the cells in our body creates what is called the corporal intelligence.

Cells demand just like a person does, but if we don't control them, the body becomes a tyrant.

That is the secret and purpose of fasting, not only to cleanse and balance the system but also to teach the physical body that is not the boss.

We can now understand this more clearly with the new smart vehicles. Imagine that you are driving on a congested road and suddenly the car takes control, perhaps putting the lives of motorists and pedestrians in danger. So does the physical vehicle with us.

There are many forms of fasting which we can incorporate, if it is medically permissible since each person is different, but if it is not possible to fast, we can abstain from something we like even when the urge to eat it is unbearable.

Many years ago, speaking with a devotee of Krishna, he told me that his technique is to tell his body: "You do not command, I command." We know that the self we referred to is the lower self or ego but in this exercise that phrase is valid.

We must free ourselves from the tyranny of the body, its tendency to complacency and even inertia. Of course, we know that the mind has to do with all this but as Shri Aurobindo said, we have to know how to distinguish which of our vehicles it is trying to control, otherwise we will not be able to free ourselves from them.

Teacher is not only the one who teaches but the one who has mastered his lower vehicles. Hero is not one who does brave acts in battle but the one who defeats internal enemies.

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