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Who’s God?

By Victor M Fontane

What Christians and other religions called God, a person (Male) with body, location, emotions, likes and dislikes, creator, etc. most ancient spiritual traditions and even modern scientist consider and name it Cosmic Mind or Cosmic Consciousness, Pure consciousness, the energy that creates, sustain, maintain and transform all cosmic energy and matter, as energy resides in all atomic and cosmic universal particles and is continuously evolving through time and space but not in a linear way but circular-cyclical manner to perfect itself and all his creation.

In her book The Story of GAIA, Dr. Jude Currivan explain:

“ Prana, the sankrit word for breath, is also the word for the life force deemed by the Vedic sages of ancient India to permeate all reality. In describing the beginning of our Universe as the first moment of an ongoing ‘Big Breath’, I reflect this perception of the whole world as a vital outbreath of Brahman, the creative impulse of cosmic mind.

All GAIA’s organic children breathe. Inherited from their deep past, most archaea and many bacteria continue to use primordial means to do so. Plants breathe carbon dioxide, fish breathe oxygen dissolved in water, and animals breathe oxygen from the atmosphere. Yet the atmospheric air we breathe now is vastly different from the air prior to 2.0Ga. Even the oxygenated air since has varied dramatically in the amounts it has sustained. Before plants inhabited the land some 500 millions years ago, oxygen levels were still so low that we would have suffocated for its lack.

Our Universe is innately intelligent and inherently alive. Its multi-dimensional awareness not only exists and evolves as a unified entity but embodies a Universal impulse to evolve. From the first moment of its Big Breath, it has undertaken a great journey of experience, exploration, embodiment, and evolution - from simplicity to complexity, individuated sentience, and self-awareness.

Even more radical is that its appearance of space-time and energy-matter holographically realized and imbued with in-formational meaning emerges from deeper nonphysical realms of causation. And, vitally, that mind and consciousness aren’t something we have, but rather what we and the whole world are”.

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