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Who is the Real "I"

By Swami Sarvapriyananda

Who’s the real “I”, the Divine and how can I explain it?


You are born and your body start to age; baby, boy, teenager, adult, gets old and die. Different scenarios but the same person. The one who grows, become an adult, gets old an die is the body. It get sick, the mind gets happy, sad, depress, etc. but separate from the real you. Its just the relation between the real “I”, our Divinity and the object of perception and experience. We have the strengths of personal continuity. The body is an object and we are the experiencer of that object.


What’s the difference between the seer and the seen.

The limits of the of the eyes is not distance or closeness, you can see the sky, even galaxies with an instrument and the subatomic particles as well with the help of an electronic microscope, even your eyes in a mirror (reflection) or a picture. The limits of the eyes are the eyes itself as they can’t see themselves same as a hand can’t touch itself. The seer and the seen has to be different, otherwise the eyes will not be able to see. Same thing as our real self, our Devine Self, the seer and the rest of the world and Universe, the seen. The work that has to be done is understand the relation between the seer, “I” and the seen, the object of our perception or experience and discover our true self.


We, the “I” are sentient, aware and conscious, the body is not. If you look at your hand can you say, the hand is looking at me? And the same with the rest of your body, you are sentient, aware and conscious of your hand but the hand is not sentient, aware and conscious of you. So, we are not our body but aware of our body, we are aware of the body but the body is not aware of us. We are something beyond the body-mind that we can call the “I”, consiousness or our Divinity, but we never pay attention to that relationship.

So, summarizing, the consciousness and the body can not be the same and this applies also to the mind.- Swami Sarvapriyananda on Wisdom of Ashtavakra.

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