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Who am I? Part 2

Updated: Oct 27, 2022

By Victor M Fontane

States of consciousness are waking or our daily awake state, dream state or when we are sleeping and dreaming and deep sleep or the state when we are sleeping deep with no dreams in a total blankness.

But what lies beyond those states of the mind? Consciousness and beyond, pure consciousness.

—————— Waking

Consciousness ——————Dream

—————— Deep sleep

But, who we really are is called in Sanskrit turīya or pure consciousness manifested as awareness of the states of the mind.

The fourth state of consciousness, beyond thought, love, and will, and beyond the awareness of variety, duality, and unity.

-the state of being conscious; awareness of one's own existence, sensations, thoughts, surroundings, etc.

-the thoughts and feelings, collectively, of an individual or of an aggregate of people:

the moral consciousness of a nation.

-full activity of the mind and senses, as in waking life:

to regain consciousness after fainting.

-awareness of something for what it is; internal knowledge:

consciousness of wrongdoing.

-concern, interest, or acute awareness:

class consciousness.

-the mental activity of which a person is aware as contrasted with unconscious mental processes.

Who am I?

Ego/“I”/knower World

Waker ————————Waking world

Turiya ——— Dreamer ———————Dream world

Sleeper ———————- Sleep blankness

So, beyond our mental states, our physical life and body, our thoughts, emotions, memories and even knowledge exists the pure consciousness that witness the other states of the mind and the physical world, our Divinity or the God particle in us. The work is to find that particle through the knowledge and practice in the spiritual path.

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