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Who am I?

By Jose N Garcia, Vedic Astrologer

First, consciousness and life are permanent phenomena in the Universe. However, science, in the search for life in the Universe, is limited to a vision of life according to the vehicles of expression that we have on this planet. So, in this way all the varieties of form, class and capacities that may exist, most of them unknown to us, are ignored. This is because cause and effect (karma) are related. 

Second, the real constitution of the human being. Again, science describes the human being as a bio-chemical formation made up of unconscious matter and in a strange way it combined to create the levels of consciousness on our planet, that is, biological machines. (See the book “Mechanistic and non Mechanistic Science-Richard L. Thompson PhD) Our physical body simply manifests expressions of consciousness and life according to its capacity. Therefore, since consciousness, which is part of the universal consciousness, is contained within the physical body (Upadhi in Sanskrit), it is limited by this physical body. The Transshimalayic School divides the human constitution into seven bodies: 

1. Physical body 

 2. Astral and Pranic Leather (astral body is the vehicle of prana) 

 3. Body of passions 

 4. Lower mental body 

 5. Higher mental body 

 6. Buddhi (the faculty of intuitive discernment or direct spiritual awareness in the beliefs of Hinduism and Buddhism) 

 7. Ātman (The universal self, identical with the eternal core of the personality that after death either transmigrates to a new life or attains release (moksha) from the bonds of existence. Sanskrit word for the true or eternal Self or the self-existent essence or impersonal witness-consciousness within each individual).

So, a human being is not just a biological entity but really a complex entity, already divine, that only needs to find its divinity to express all its goodness and evolve until its last step in the seventh race on this planet as a Metahuman or enlightened being.

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