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Who am I?

By Victor M Fontane

When we think about ourselves or who am I we usually say: I am a man or a woman, our name, race, career, good or bad, nationality, etc. However, those are only descriptions at a physical level and don’t reflect our inner reality and position in this life and Universe. Which means that our reality is encapsulated in the physical world as long as we are alive.

All the ancient teachings and wisdom, that is, Vedic traditions, Buddhist traditions, etc. explain that human reality is actually beyond this physical world and transcends all limitations of time and space. The real “I” and human nature can be described as “pure consciousness”.

When we die is consciousness who experiences death because is the witness of the death of the body and survive the body. Consciousness or awareness can not become ill nor healed and as immortal can not die or be afraid.

This consciousness does not want anything, is not affected by anything and is beyond the boundaries and limitations of the physical world.

Consciousness is your individual awareness of your unique thoughts, memories, feelings, sensations, and environments. Essentially, your consciousness is your awareness of yourself and the world around you. This awareness is subjective and unique to you and is the subject that experiances life, the seer that experience the seen or the object.

The Vedantha philosophy has considered mind as the subtle form of matter where in the body and its components are considered the grossest forms. Consciousness, on the other hand, is considered finer than 'mind matter' and is considered all pervasive, omnipresent and omniscient. Is the ultimate reality and the substance and energy or the Divine or God.

In other religious traditions the Divine or God is separate from his creation and don’t consider pure consciousness as one with the creation, in other words: subject and object of all experiences. In the Far East traditions all is one with God, emanated from God and evolve with God in a constant never started or ending process.

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