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What’s the meaning of life?

By Victor M Fontane

Many people search for the meaning of life. Others are not interested and only live in the routine of being born, studying, working, having children, growing old and dying without achieving anything that transcends their finite and minuscule human quality due to ignorance and lack of will. Life is a phenomenon that is bigger than meaning. The most beautiful thing about life is that it is beyond the meanings. The meanings are all invented in the psychological framework. What is the meaning of a tree, a hill, a cloud or the cosmos? There is no meaning that we cannot grasp, but the more you get in touch with it, the more you perceive it, the more the amazement, joy and bliss of it will come to you. But instead you are searching for meaning because you are not living in this world, in this creation you are living in the tiny creation of your mind.

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