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What Really is Intelligence in Humans?

By Victor M Fontane

What really is intelligence in humans?

Basically, intelligence can be summarized as knowing something or remembering information told by others and storing it in our memory.  Memory also means "the past" because every experience we encounter in a fraction of a second is past and becomes memory.

Ancient teachings and wisdom, especially the Hindu Vedas or holly books, explain that what is in our mind, which is the central origin of our thoughts, speech and physical action, is divided into three qualities called "Gunas" in  Sanskrit.

  1.   Sattva - goodness, constructive, harmonious that advances in our spiritual evolution.

  2.   Rajas - passion, active, confused, lethargic that creates neutrality in our spiritual evolution, we do not advance but neither do we regress.

  3.   Tamas - dark, destructive, chaotic that not only stops our spiritual evolution but also degrades us.

All these three qualities (gunas) are present in everyone and everything.  Furthermore, these qualities are manifested throughout the Universe.

So, intelligence is not having and using a lot of information or memory, but defining and identifying these qualities (gunas) to avoid those that go against our evolution and practice the one that advances our evolution to reach our maximum potential and understand the ultimate reality.

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