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What is the Dark Side in Human Consciousness

By Victor M Fontane

It is always said that humans have a dark side that in one way or another affects our behavior and therefore our spiritual evolution. But what is that hidden side?

Basically, when we talk about the dark side that are parasitical, called demons in some religious organizations like Christianity, Jinn in Islam, evil spirits in Shamanism, etc. there is a relationship between the shadow aspect and the dark side or negative entities and our own behavior attracts them. But they have a role in our spiritual evolution.

The dark shadow comes from a concept created by Carl Gustav Jung, Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology. He applied the concept of the shadow to the unconscious parts of individuals personality that they reject, deny or suppress and that are considered negative, undesirable or even shameful examples of anger, jealously, selfishness, greaser unhealthy sexual desires. Also, examples like offensive behavior toward others, self-sabotage, deceiving others, etc.

However, the dark side refer to negative entities that are parasitical that occupy typically the fourth or fifth density and are beyond our frequency but can affect human consciousness in different ways. There is a kind of codependency between humans and negative entities and humans could have evolved differently in the last few hundred years if there would be no greed, no ego based behavior, selfishness, etc. then, probably there would be no negative entities because they feed on negative emotions. So, because all negative behavior comes from the shadow and attracts negative entities if people behave differently they cease to exists. This applies to all aspects of our life, health, finances, relationships, etc.

But the role of the shadow and the dark side in our evolution is that as a soul evolving you want to gain more wisdom but for that to happen you have to go through challenges and learn to overcome the struggles of difficult situations acquiring knowledge. In this way the dark side and negative entities becomes a catalyst when you learn to overcome those troubles because that is the role of the dark side.

In other words, if those negative entities don’t act upon your experiences, creating challenges when you attract them with your negative behavior, you will get lazy, complacent and always use to do the same, the opposite is working with your experiences to create a balance between wisdom and love. That way you cease to feed the negative entities and get rid of your shadow.

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