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What and who I really am?

By Victor M Fontane

Satcitānanda is the name given for our true reality in the Upsnishads which are the

final teachings of the Vedas or Hindu Holy books. 

Is a compounded Sanskrit word consisting of "sat", "cit", and "ānanda", all three considered as inseparable from the nature of ultimate reality called Brahman in Hinduism. The different forms of spelling are driven by euphonic (sandhi) rules of Sanskrit, useful in different contexts.

  • sat (सत्): In Sanskrit, sat means "being, existence", "real, actual", "true, good, right", or "that which really is, existence, essence, true being, really existent, good, true".

  • cit (चित्): Means "consciousness" or "spirit".

  • ānanda (आनन्द): Means "happiness, joy, bliss", "pure happiness, one of three attributes of Atman or Brahman in the Vedanta philosophy". Loctefeld and other scholars translate ananda as "bliss".[13][14]

Satcitananda is therefore translated as "truth consciousness bliss", "reality consciousness bliss", or "Existence Consciousness Bliss”.

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