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We are More than Flesh and Bone

By Jose N Garcia, Vedic Astrologer

We are not spiritual beings destined to lie forever in a cold and confining grave made up of this physical body and the rest of our lower principles.

We all, until we achieve Liberation, are in a cemetery. This is built by the densest matter that makes up this physical plane. The difference between the experience of the Great Teacher Jesus and ours is that He did it out of Compassion and we are locked up by our ignorance. We are all naturally free spiritual beings going through this earthly process of existence as part of the educational program in which we are all participating. It is just a stage to acquire some type of experience that every being in this solar system has had or will have to go through. According to the Ancient Teachings, there is no planet that is uninhabited. The concept is not that the planet is formed first and then life appears, it is quite the opposite. The collective karma of a group of beings causes the formation of the planet. Most of us believe that there are disembodied beings, angels, archangels, and other entities that inhabit regions of our planet that we cannot grasp with our physical senses. If this is so, why can't there be humanities invisible to our senses in other worlds? Beings from other systems who visit us and have physical bodies, whose forms and appearances are the manifestation of their own karma, are going through their own experience of being incarnated. But there are others who are not and visit us just the same. In our ignorance we have believed that this is real life, that there is nothing beyond what we can see with our senses and that this physical reality is the only truth. But we are not spiritual beings destined to lie in a cold and confining grave made up of this physical body and the rest of our lower principles. On this day may we begin our preparation to rise triumphant from this grave and that the Master Jesus help us in the process just as He got rid of spiritual death.

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