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Void or Emptiness

By Victor M Fontane

The concept of void or emptiness (Śūnyatā) the Source in Buddism reconciles with the Hindu Vedanta tradition concept of Brahman or Sat-Chit-Ananda (existence consciousness place). Buddhism say there is no Atman, just find out who you are, the self and seem to be opposite of the Hindu concept, being and not being. But when you find the most sophisticated formulation of Vedanta in "Advaita Vedanta" and the most sophisticated formulation in Buddhism in the "Madhyamaka Buddhism" of Nagarjuna, which is the center philosophy of Tibetan Buddhism, the same language is being used. The ultimate reality is beyond the four alternatives: “is” one, “is not” two, “both is and is not” three, “neither is nor is not” four and “what’s the truth?, neither of these four”. So both Advaita and Buddhism says the same, Advaita call the Truth, Brahman Sat-Chit-Ananda and Buddhism call it Śūnyatā, emptiness both saying the same thing from different angles, one from the positive angle and the other from the negative angle.

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