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Viruses, Vaccines and Ayurvedic Medicine

Talking about viruses and vaccines, the Ayurvedic Medicine and tradition, that actually appears in the Hindu Vedas in Sanskrit more than 5,000 years ago, explains about the Doshas and how to balance the energies in the physical body.

Also, describe the elements that corrupts that energy and cause aging, sickness and even death.

Among others, describe as disrupting elements on our immune system the following:

1. Mental - stress, fear, bad and negative thinking, negative emotions, anger, etc.

2. Food - Meat or its byproducts, alcohol, drugs, etc.

3. Habits - Destructive behavior, divitionist behavior, feeling separate from the rest of what surround us, including other kingdoms, etc.

As a matter of facts, recommends that when a human is born, the baby should be breastfed by the mother as long as possible and if is not fed with any animal product no vaccination will be necessary as the inmune system will be fortified.

If any animal product is taken the child will pay the consequences as adult with a weak immune system. Also, is important to consider his karmic process. If none of Āyurveda is consider then we have to turn to science.

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