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Ultimate Reality

By Victor M Fontane

At the dawn of a New Era of peace, Love, more spirituality and evolution for our human race, called in the Far East Sattva Yuga, in the West Age of Aquarius, all the forces of evil and inhabitants of darkness rise with greater impetus trying to block the advance towards the age of light. We see them in many countries invading, threatening equality and canceling human rights with the desire for power and the pleasure of seeing others suffer. However, nothing is going to stop the advent of equality and justice for all.

Life is a script written by ourselves, humans. In this drama of life it turns some into victims and others into victimizers. The true evil is, not recognizing our responsibility in all human experience and not learning from it.

True ignorance is not understanding that every time we make another human being suffer through our thought, word or action, the energy produced will follow us forever in this or other incarnations until we make up for it. The Universe is vibration, change and balance so all energy finds its balance as a natural response to its evolution.

The human is surprised by the experiences he faces without recognizing his responsibility in creating it.

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