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Training the Mind

By Victor M Fontane

Training the mind.

After the A-bombs, Japan destroyed and devastated, millions killed, determined that they will do what it takes to conquer the world, not militarily but commercially and they did. But how? They developed a process called “Kaizen”.

Kaizen is a Japanese term meaning "change for the better" or "continuous improvement." It is a Japanese business philosophy regarding the processes that continuously improve operations and involve all employees. Kaizen sees improvement in productivity as a gradual and methodical process.

The Kaizen approach consists of 5 founding elements :

  • Teamwork,

  • Personal discipline,

  • Improved morale,

  • Quality circles,

  • Suggestions for improvement.

The three main pillars of Kaizen and how they can help you improve efficiency, business, and performance.

  • Housekeeping. Housekeeping is the first pillar of Kaizen.

  • Elimination of Waste. Eliminating waste is the second main pillar of Kaizen.

  • Standardization

The Four Main Kaizen Principles are:

  • Visualize – tools that will help you visualize how your change process will look like.

  • Measure – Being consistent is key to making improvements.

  • Improve – The principles of kaizen are split into four categories: process, product, people, and environment.

  • Repeat – Repeat the process.

These concepts can also be applied in our mind purification and spiritual evolution.

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