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The Value of Life

By Jose N Garcia, Vedic Astrologer

The scientific machinist definition of life only describes life only from the biological and chemical point of view. 

However, all ancient traditions and Vedic philosophy define life as a universal manifestation, an essence or energy that permeates the entire Universe" and that has always existed because that which is not alive cannot produce life. But that life separated from the material element is the other side of consciousness or reality. Therefore life cannot exist without consciousness nor consciousness without life. All energy in the Universe that animates and produces life then emanates from that primordial energy and as such that consciousness is boundless and is shared by all universal particles. When people die and the physical components are transformed remains that essence or consciousness evolving life after life. 

But what’s consciousness? Is the ability to be aware of oneself and one's surroundings, the quality or state of being aware especially of something within oneself, the state or fact of being conscious of an external object, state, or fact. However, the definition is trapped only on the physical realm and that essence of primordial consciousness is beyond that physical realm. So, being in the physical realm the physical consciousness can evolve to grow and merge with the primordial consciousness or energy and actually, during the process, can achieve the highest human potential and enlightenment which is the real value of being human.

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