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The Universe Including our Planet is all About Energy, Vibration and Change

By Victor M Fontane

The only absolute and not changing is Brahma (for Hindu traditions) or God, our deepest reality, our true Self, transcendental bliss, what we need to find to cease pain and suffering and what we need to become.

An old Buddhist story says:

This buddhist monk come to the king and the king told him, you know I have so many troubles, enemies has surrounded the kingdom and we don’t have rain and we have famine in the kingdom, the ministers are incompetent, the prince, my son doesn’t seems to be interested on being a king, all is terrible and the monk said: “Oh king, this too shall pass”.

Ten years later the monk was again passing through that kingdom and he met the king and asked him: “how are you now?” And the king said: “Oh, by your blessings, everything turned out well, the enemies has become friends, we have plentiful rain, good harvest, ministers has been replaced and the prince is a wonderful young man interested in state matters, so is all good”. The the monk said: “Oh king, this too shall pass”.

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