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The Three Kings

Let’s explain the myth.

According to ancient Hebrew traditions, the so-called Magi or “Three Kings” were neither Kings nor Magi nor did they follow the Star of Bethlehem, they were Astrologers who followed the same conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter that we had in December and that happens every 800 years.

Who Were the “Three Wise Men”? Did They Follow the “Star” of Bethlehem?

The Bible’s answer

Contrary to popular Christmas tradition, the Bible does not use the terms “three wise men” or “three kings” to describe the travelers who went to see Jesus after his birth. (Matthew 2:1) Instead, the Gospel writer Matthew used the Greek word ma’goi to describe those who visited Jesus. The word likely refers to experts in astrology and other occult practices.

Did God have the “wise men” follow the “star” of Bethlehem?

Some people believe that God sent the so-called star of Bethlehem to guide the astrologers to Jesus. Consider why that cannot be the case.

  • What appeared to be a star led the astrologers first to Jerusalem. The Bible says: “Astrologers from the East came to Jerusalem, saying: ‘Where is the one born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when we were in the East, and we have come to do obeisance to him.’”—Matthew 2:1, 2.

  • King Herod, not the “star,” was the first to direct the astrologers to Bethlehem. When he heard of a rival “king of the Jews,” Herod investigated where the promised Christ was to be born. (Matthew 2:3-6) On learning that it was to be in Bethlehem, he told the astrologers to go there, look for the child, and report back to him. Only then did the astrologers go to Bethlehem. The Bible says: “After they had heard the king, they went their way, and look! the star they had seen when they were in the East went ahead of them until it came to a stop above where the young child was.”—Matthew 2:9.

  • The appearance of the “star” set in motion events that threatened the life of Jesus and resulted in the murder of innocent children. When the astrologers left Bethlehem, God warned them not to return to Herod.—Matthew 2:12.

How did Herod react? The Bible says: “Herod, seeing that he had been outwitted by the astrologers, flew into a great rage, and he sent out and had all the boys in Bethlehem and in all its districts killed, from two years of age and under, according to the time that he had carefully ascertained from the astrologers.” (Matthew 2:16) God would not have caused such a wicked thing to be done.—Job 34:10.

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