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The Syllable OM and How it is Chanted

By Victor M Fontane

Om is the sound of the universe. In Hindu tradition, the aum meaning is the vibrational sound of the force behind all creation and manifests from Brahman, the absolute and ultimate reality. It was felt by the rishis, Hindu sages, as they meditated and they realized the primordial essence of the universe within this syllable.

Chanting Om invokes the sound of creation within the universe and the supreme soul or supreme reality.

It invites the experience and embodiment of this spiritual wisdom. As a bija or seed mantra, Om refers to Atman (soul, self within) and Brahman (the entirety of the universe, the ultimate reality, and cosmic knowledge). In a simplified spiritual explanation, the Om symbol meaning is a syllable that is the sound of the universe and connects one with the divine, the most high, and the source of all creation. The first mention of this syllable in written text is in the Upanishads.

When chanted, OM vibrates at the frequency of 432 Hz — the same vibrational frequency found in all things throughout nature. The frequency of 432 Hz music, also mentioned for 440 Hz, refers to the value of the note

A4 (LA3) of the central octave of the piano, which is taken as a reference to tune all the other notes in the time system.

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