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The story of our Planet Earth

By Victor M Fontane

The Origin of our Universe

The much mentioned Big Bang wasn’t big and it wasn’t bang. Instead of our Universe beginning in the implicit chaos of a “bang”, it was born in a minuscule and incredibly simple and ordered state.

Its laws of physics, the in-formational algorithms guiding its existence and evolution, were extremely fine tuned, and the relationships between its fundamental physical attributes and the associated numerical constants they embed were exact to a meticulous degree. Had they differed from what they are by only a minute amount, our Universe would never have been able to even exist, let alone go on to evolve.

So, rather than a one-off and chaotic Big Bang, our Universe continues to sound the ongoing harmony in the Big Breath of its emergent potential.

The two-dimensional holographic boundary of what we call space, through the flow of time, projects the innate and evolving intelligence of the entire Universe into its appearance of three orthogonal dimensions. Our x/y/z experience of left/right, up/down and forward/backward is woven into its semblance, rather than being merely a construct of our awareness.

The reality of the appearance of our Universe emerges at the Planck (physicist Max Planck) scale of existence and is fundamentally embodied in five phenomena: energy, matter, space, time and temperature. The Planck epoch is our current understanding of our unfolding Universe from its first moment of one Planck time, with a diameter of one Planck length, and at a Planck temperature of one-which in our measure is a torrid 1032 degrees Kelvin.

While incredibly hot, in the immediate aftermath of the first Planck moment of time, during its first trillionth of a second, our Universe was already beginning a series of extraordinarily precise and ordered stages by which it would devolve from an initial unitary state into two and then three forces and their relationships, the real-ativity of the reality they would maintain for the remaining duration of its life-story. We know these three as electromagnetism, the strong nuclear force that holds the nuclei of atoms together and the weak nuclear force that guides the radioactive decay of unstable atoms, and the energy-releasing fusion of hydrogen to helium.

All three forces precisely instruct our Universe how to behave. Not only existing before subatomic particles began to form, but literally ushering them into prescribed existence. Indeed, in terms of the weak force, one of its key roles- initiating the thermonuclear processes fueling the radiance of stars-would only be utilized hundreds of millions of years into the future when the first stellar generations came into being.

While commonly considered a fourth force, gravity is better understood more in terms of its being a consequence of how energy-matter and space-time in-formally interact.

Together dark energy and dark matter account for some 95% of all the energy-matter of our Universe; the visible energy and matter that makes up everything from atoms to galaxies, including Gaia and us, only compromises 5% of the total. Yet all are necessary components that enable our Universe both to exist and evolve and, indeed, to drive its evolutionary impulse.

The two most fundamental attributes of all expressions of energy and matter are that they’re inherently vibrational and quantized. The former means that they embody different frequencies and wavelength (the inverse of their frequencies), regardless of whether they’re realized as moving waves or as standing wave particles. The latter ensures the their vibrations are expressed as specific “notes” rather than a continuous spectrum. Both attributes and their myriad relationships are vital for the story of Gaia (Earth) and her Universe to unfold through the playing out of the literal music of creation: resonating, harmonizing, and continually improvising their potential.

But, why is there any matter at all in our Universe? For during these earliest moments when matter began to come into existence, it did so in symmetrical pairs of matter particles and their antimatter, antiparticle equivalents. With the same mass, they have opposite charges and very quickly annihilate each other, disappearing in a flash of photons of light. For any matter to have continued to exist, and so for Gaia’s story to even begin, somehow an excess of particles over antiparticles equivalent to one in ten billion photons-but how?

From the unfolding of there first few minutes of space-time, the Universe had already embodied the simplicity of its fundamental principles and relationships through which its innate intelligence would exist and evolve as a unified and non locally connected entity. It was the Greeks sages, though, who, from around 2,500 years ago, first articulated how the cosmos manifests the evolutionary complexity of the world from such universal initiating simplicity. A compendium of four subjects (number, geometry, music and cosmology), known by early medieval times as the quadrivium, embodied their understanding of the attributes and interrelatedness of number: geometry as number in space, music as number in time, and cosmology made resonantly manifest by the “music of the spheres”.

Also, found in circumstances and structures that embody an evolutionary impulse, such as the double-helix of the DNA genetic code where the breadth and length of each full spiral are in a 21:34 relationship, phi is a wonderful example of how the harmonic relationships that pervade our Universe are inherently relational and essentially geometric.

Only in the last century with the advent of quantum and relativity theories, and over recent years with the ability to explore ever smaller and larger scales of our Universe, have these fractal geometrically relational and harmonic patterns, expressed throughout its manifest appearance, been able to be discovered.

The conclusion based on all the evidence arrayed throughout The Cosmic Hologram and now throughout The Story of Gaia is that mind and consciousness aren’t something that humans and other animals have but what we and the whole world literally are. And that appearance of our Universe arises from cosmic mind and consciousness expressed and embodied in meaningful relationships at all scales of existence-an ongoing story told in a universal language of digitized in-formation. From its very first moment, our Universe has embodied, as an expression of cosmic mind, not only intelligence and meaning but purpose: an innate evolutionary impulse that has continued for 13.8 years, and which is poised in every moment to continue its emergence into the future.

As individuated self-aware expression of its continuing flow, human beings-personally and collectively are its microcosmic co-creators. From the earliest memories of our species, there’s evidence that we perceived realities beyond the physical world. Spiritual and wisdom teachings of numerous traditions maintain that our existence on the physical plane of life is part of a vibrational spectrum of multidimensional consciousness extending far beyond the limitations of energy-matter and space-time; that experiential understanding is now being born out by scientific discoveries.

Many traditions recognize the concept of a soul as expressing the consciousness of such individuated selfhood. The Story of Gaia expends such a concept to the macrocosmic scale of our entire Universe as a Universe-soul. And when we come to the time, we tell the story of Gaia herself; instead of describing her planetary family as a Solar System, they’ll be acknowledge as a mesocosmic scale Soul-ar System or we may call God that cosmic mind or consciousness.

From the book The Story of GAIA, The Big Breath and the Evolutionary Journey of our Conscious Planet. Great book!!

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