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The Pencil and Karma

By Victor M Fontane

Karma is like a pencil. Karma in Sanskrit means action and science manifests and proves that every action in the known Universe creates a reaction, result or consequence. In this way, every negative action as well as positive or virtuous actions create an energy wave that sooner or later manifests that result or consequence. So, actions are like a pencil that continually writes in the book of life all the actions created by our behavior and that will eventually generate our worldly experiences.

 However, every pencil has an eraser that helps correct our mistakes. Thus karmic consequences give us the opportunity to correct our negative actions as well as enjoy the consequence of positive or virtuous ones.

No evidence of a spirit factory have been found anywhere in the Universe, which is why the beings that exist on the planet are the same ones that in this Kalpa or period of manifestation have circulated, incarnation after incarnation, creating karma and living the consequences of this for a long time. We live, unfortunately and due to our ignorance, continually causing harm to each other and/or relating to each other karmically (ex. I kill you now and you kill me later and then I will kill you again).

To achieve the preservation of our species first, we must be mindful of understand all our life experiences as karma and begin to use the eraser of our pencil to correct our mistakes, cleanse our negative karma and use the positive to reach our highest personal and collective (for everyone) human potential.

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