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The New Human Being will find his religion in nature, not in dead statues, but in living trees dancing in the wind.

He will find his prayer with the stars.

He will dialogue with existence as it is.

He will not live with abstract ideas.

He will live with realities.

His commitment will be with nature.

The New Human Being will read the sacred scripture of nature.

He will try to decipher the mysteries of life, he will not try to demystify life.

He will try to love those mysteries, to penetrate those mysteries.

He will be a poet, he will not be a philosopher.

He will be an artist, he will not be a theologian.

His science will be to understand nature, not to conquer nature, and he will persuade it to reveal its secrets.

The new human being will not break the natural cycles, he will respect them by becoming one with the Earth, the air, the water, the fire.

This new human being will be love because he will have already understood that we are a unit that spreads out on earth simply to love.

Being one with his mother earth.

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