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The Metahuman

By Victor M Fontane

One of the meanings, if not the most important, of the risen Christ free from the cross is how he tries to teach humanity that being nailed to the cross of matter or the physical world is impossible to transcend, evolve and reach the maximum potential, to becoming superhuman or what Deepak Chopra calls "Metahuman".

In Vedic and Tropical Astrology, the symbol of the Earth is a circle with an inscribed cross that represents that the humans who live on the planet are nailed to the cross of materialism and that due to attachment to physical possession it is not capable of evolving.

The cross also represents the tree of life and the tree of nutrition; it is also a symbol of the universal, archetypal man, capable of infinite and harmonious expansion both on the horizontal and vertical planes; the vertical is the heavenly, spiritual and intellectual, positive, active and masculine, while the horizontal is the earthly, rational, passive and negative and feminine, being the primordial ANDROGINE the one that forms the entire cross. [In Christian terms]

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