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The Matrix and the Process of Universal Creation

By Victor M Fontane

At the end of the 20th century and in the 21st century, the concept of the Matrix became very popular, people talked about him and even movies about it.  Some explain the matrix of the computer, some about the mind, and some even about the spirit.

However, doing a study not only on these modern definitions and going back to ancient knowledge and wisdom like even the Hindu Vedas or the Holy Books (17 million years), we can see the process of Universal creation of everything that exists from  of the three qualities of the divine:

  Bramha the creator of the Universe when he has to manifest.

  Vishnu the possessor and maintainer of the created.

  Shiva the transformer or destroyer when the created reached the peak of its evolution.

All of this happens in a cyclical process whereby the universal particles rest after a period of manifestation only to manifest again.  In Sanskrit, manifestation is called "Manuantara" and non-manifestation is called "Pralaya" or dissolution.


So the concepts of creation, maintenance and transformation include everything that exists from cosmic particles, intelligent energies, bodies, mind and spirit.


So, the Matrix is ​​the sum of everything that exists up to the quantum level particles and energies and that is the concept of "Unity".  We all participate in the Matrix with the rest of the Universe, but our conceptual mind or "ego" does not allow this interaction to happen unless you meditate and silencing the mind opens the door to this dimension.  The old saying, "when the physical eye is closed, the spiritual eye opens" describes it very well.  Therefore, we must go from being slaves of the mind to being masters of the mind.

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