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The Magical Mysteries of the Mineral Kingdom

By Jose N Garcia - Vedic Astrologer

In our times, precious and semi-precious stones and some minerals are used as body ornaments, ignoring their origin, their effects, and much less their power. They are used as rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, etc. That is why it is important to understand that in the same way that we can have certain adverse or allergic reactions to textiles, aromas, people and places, in the same way we can have it to certain stones and minerals.

In order to understand the mystery behind minerals we have to review some principles.

In the Hindu Puranas, which narrate in the Vedic literature the manifestation of the Universe, it is said that minerals are the densification of each one of the seven solar rays or the builders of our Solar system and planet. These Hierarchies are septenary in their manifestation and are represented or mentioned in the different spiritual or religious traditions as Archangels, Dhyani Buddhas, Planetary Spirits, etc.

If this is so, then any mineral form found on our planet, as well as plants, animals and humans, are a manifestation of those rays and therefore of those Hierarchies. So, there is no such thing as inanimate matter, the particles that make up matter are alive and conscious, which means that every piece of mineral or gem is, too.

A principle of Rosicrucian Kabbalah reads as follows:

"GOD sleeps in the mineral, dreams in the vegetable and wakes up in the human".

Thus, minerals work due to their frequencies and electromagnetic effects, due to their biochemical effect, and due to the emission of particles in their degradation process.

Minerals, as well as the precious stones that we use, create an effect in our magnetic field or aura, radiating at a lower frequency the energetic identity of the ray of its origin, thus creating effects on our organism and our environment. They also function as a protective shield against other environmental forces.

The study of hidden properties based on alchemy, magic and the traditions of Vedic astrology and Ayurveda reveal to us the secrets kept for millennia by the great sages of the past. It is therefore important and responsible to educate yourself on the use of jewelry or precious stones.

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