By Jose N Garcia - Vedic Astrologer
The law of karma works in two ways: in an automatic and autonomous way and through the power and interference of certain beings that control the principle of the law of cause and effect and have the ability to make adjustments. We can compare these with the nervous system that on one hand controls emotions, mental states, etc. since we have control over them and also our autonomous nervous system that work without our conscious intervention like heart beat, breathing, etc. Thus, the law of karma is automatic, autonomous and unconscious, it regulates the balance that is both inside in us and outside of us, in our environment, planet and in the solar system, visible as well as in all the different densities, material and consciousness. Thus, with the law of karma, everything that happens in the multiverses is for the purpose of maintaining universal balance.
In this way and contrary to what some believe, the Universe is not perfect because it is in a constant process of evolution and if something evolves it means that it is not finished or completely evolved. An example of this is in the Bible, chapter of Genesis where the intelligent forces involved in the creation process, every day of the creation, after creating something, the process ends indicating: "And God saw that it was good". In other words, on one hand, it verifies that it is well done and, on the other hand, it is subject to revision and evolution. So, the Universe is in a constant process of evolution and adjustment and certain cosmic intelligences are adjusting the creation to maintain a balance. It is important to note that these cosmic intelligences do not perform miracles since miracles do not exist. What we call miracles are only the manifestation of laws and principles that we do not yet know. The Lords of Karma. In the book of Ezekiel the vision of Ezekiel or Merkabah is mentioned a carriage that represents and describes four beings that through the elementals manage the adjustment processes of nature as well as personal and collective karma. They have the appearance of three animals and a human: Bull who represents Taurus in Vedic astrology, Lion who represents Leo, Eagle who represents Scorpio and the human being represents Aquarius. These four fixed signs that are ruled by Venus, the Sun, Mars and Saturn are the four Lords of Karma, controllers of the four elements: Earth, Fire, Water and Air, in that order. This explanation of the Merkabah in Kabbalah explains God and the hierarchies that govern the Universe.
They are in Buddhism also referred to as the “Chaturmahrja” or”Chaturmahrjikdeva” in Sanskrit, which means “Four Great Heavenly Kings.”