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The life of the Buddha and comparison with humanity

By Victor M Fontane

According to tradition, the historical Buddha lived from 563 to 483 B.C., approximately, 2586 years, living in a comfort zone as Prince Siddhartha Gautama in his father palace until one day leaving his comfort zone he left the palace and faced the suffering and death on human beings.

He started quest to find the roots of suffering and the he way to overcome suffering. During many years he wandered like an ascetic punishing himself with no results until one day he sat under the Bodhi tree to meditate for 49 days and got enlightened and found not only the root of suffering but the way to overcome suffering. After that spent forty five years giving his disciples the teachings about the root of suffering and how to escape from it.

Despite these teachings offered 2,586 years ago, today humanity still cannot escape suffering by trying to live and survive in its comfort zone, attached to material things and in a continuous effort of self-destruction. Some live in deception and deny our human reality, comforting themselves only by trying to be positive and live like the ostrich hiding its head in the sand to deny the human condition.

However, the solution is education in the deep spiritual teachings, assuming responsibility for the personal and collective karma created for centuries and get involved in a full time spiritual studies and practice, getting out of the comfort zones as Buddha did and evolve to become the highest human potential and enlightened being.

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