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The Illusion of the Physical Experiences.

By Victor M Fontane

“Only a tiny part of reality is known to mankind. The Cosmic Eye is tense at the contemplation of reality. Humanity dwells in a restricted reality; in the human concept reality is limited to what is visible. Space witnesses the correlation of processes and effects. Therefore, even when a process may be confined to the invisible spheres, it still creates reality.. The law of flaming transmutation is linked to the same creativity of Fire. That's why hubs create invisibly. This psycho-creative reality intensifies all vital actions. Therefore, the transmissions of spirit and thought, through the burning centers, saturate the space” - Infinity II, 37 (Agni Yoga)

By fitting a theoretical model of the composition of the universe to the combined set of cosmological observations, scientists have come up with this composition: ~68% dark energy, ~27% dark matter, ~5% normal matter. So, to support the Agni Yoga concepts, humans are capable to observe, see and live in only 5% of all that exists in the Universe.

The Hindu Vedas sustain that human physical experiences are a construct of the mind driven by karma or the consequences of past actions and call this physical world “Mayà” or illusion. Also, consider humans trapped in that illusion as his limited mind is not capable of seeing and understanding the ultimate reality of all experiences incapable then, to evolve physical and spiritually.

One Vedic model of the mind is expressed by the famous metaphor of the chariot in the Katha Upanisad and the Bhagavad-Gıta. A person is compared to a chariot that is pulled in different directions by the horses yoked to it, with the horses representing the senses. The mind is the driver who holds the reins, but next to the mind sits the master of the chariot – the true observer, the self, who represents a universal unity. Without this self no coherent behavior is possible.

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