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The Human Relationship with God

By Victor M Fontane

For more than twenty centuries, a large part of the humanity of this world are following the Christian teachings and traditions where they consider the creator or God as another physical being outside the Universe that creates everything and then controls the creation based on his own rules and code of conduct, condemning those who do not follow such rules to eternal suffering. So humans created a codependent relationship with their God as explained in the Bible. First, although this God is said to be perfect, he creates imperfections and then blames his creation (original sin) condemning all future generations for not following his rules. In his discovery and book on "Freedom, the end of the human condition", Jeremy Griffith describes how original sin has impacted the human psyche, making humans unconsciously feel guilty for all the ills and negativities that afflict them to this day, described earlier, metaphorically, in Plato’s dark cave of denial. Thus, we can see that humans clearly relate to themselves. Genesis 1:26 Then God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. They will rule over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the cattle, all the land, and the creatures that crawl on the ground.”

However, the reality is that man created God in his image, after his likeness.

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