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The Heart Sutra of Prajnaparamita

By Victor M Fontane

People cling to various illusory appearances, thus developing minds of comparison and judgment. All sentient and non-sentient beings arise from the minute particles of unreality (the most basic particles in this world). So existence is non-existence, and non-existence is existence.

This encompasses biology, science, and philosophy. Because people have words and languages to define things, they develop minds of differentiation and comparison.

A large portion of karma originates from language and words. With the convergence of conditions, the development of technology and travel also intensify the pull of karma. However, through the convergence of these conditions, one can attain right mindfulness, thereby eliminating the karma arising from ego-attachment.

Thus, the dualistic nature of the Saha world hopes for people to understand the truth of emptiness, and select how to use spiritual wisdom to achieve non-judgmental unity with all sentient and non-sentient beings. Because ordinary people have judgmental minds, they are the most likely to become enlightened and merge with the universe.

Some Buddhist teachings advocate silence to avoid karma. However, silence is not merely about endurance, as simple endurance can turn into ego-attachment. Rather, it is about understanding that the nature of everything in this world is emptiness.

Many of a person's thoughts originate from the self, and judgments and actions formed from these thoughts bear transient fruits. Thus, the best mindfulness is selflessness, which is humility.

Those who understand the nature of reality recognize the most precious form of giving, which is to help people understand emptiness. As Buddha says in the Heart Sutra of Prajnaparamita, by not defining anything or being defined by anything, you can transcend suffering and attain happiness. And those who practice this form of giving do not cling to it. Therefore, the methods employed by Bodhisattvas are formless, as they understand emptiness and do not develop ego-attachment. If they do not achieve the liberation of sentient beings from their karma or ties in this life, they will be reborn to accomplish it. This is the merit of the Bodhisattvas.

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