By Victor M Fontane
“ The truth will set you free”
Do you really know who is Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus the Christ? If your answer is yes, think again because at the end or this posting you will see that you really know a little about him. If you only know what the traditional church told you is like just seeing the cream that covers the milk not even tasting the milk.
The figure of Jesus is surrounded by many secrets that institutional religion does not reveal and due to the hustle and bustle of life we do not take care to investigate.
We will see some of these secrets.
For this we need to have an open mind because if our mind is full of what we have been informed there will be no room for other information ("he who has ears to hear let him hear").
The Jews themselves have a sectarian phenomenon even at this time, they separated themselves from the rest and called the non-Jews, "gentiles" which is, the other people who are outside of God's covenant and are not part of the chosen people. In Deuteronomy Pasuk 6:
"Because you are people separated from worldly things, the Lord has chosen you from among all the peoples of the earth to be the special ones.”
The Essenes were a Jewish community separated from other Jews and in 1947 the first Essenes writings were found in the dead sea where the ancient city of Qnram was, called the Dead Sea Scroll, 975 apocryphal manuscripts. Gospels that were never added to the bible in the new testament which speaks of the life of Jesus.
The name Essenes comes from the Greek and means holiness and it is estimated that they were around 4,000 and they lived in villages away from cities avoiding disorder and immorality, they had only what they needed and they had a high degree of spirituality. Divided into two groups, some were celibate by avoiding marriage and others who accepted marriage. They rejected pleasures and practiced the domain of passions and those who did not marry adopted and always wore white gowns. The candidates to enter their community had to surrender all their wealth to distribute it among all.
The story in the Gospel of Matthew 19:16-24 explains: a young man approached Jesus and asked him, Master, what good can I do to get eternal life, Jesus told him, obey the commandments, sell everything you have and share what you get among the poor so that you can have a treasure in heaven then come and follow me. The disappointed young man left because he did not want to lose his possessions. Jesus then said: “Truly I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.
Jesus was Essenes and the highest of his time. That is why his teachings were always directed to the common welfare as he obtained that high teachings from the Essenes since he was conceived and raised among them, isolated from the world and totally spiritual. The Essenes were very studious of the great Masters such as Zoroaster, Hermes Trismegistus, the secret instructions of Moses and Enoch, among others, they practiced meditation and mantralization and considered some teachings of other religions to be of value.