By Victor M Fontane
When we face modern and even old wisdom and because we’re being brainwashed by institutional religions, spiritual traditions, science, etc. creates what is the “Deaf Effect” imprisoning humans in concepts, rules, etc., specially when, even in a subtle way, promises of something better or threats of punishment are imposed. This means that we closed our mind to information that doesn’t match our belief system, faith or what others put in our mind during our life span.
This “deaf effect” imprisoned us and reduces our possibilities or growing intellectually and evolve spiritually.
In his book Freedom, Professor Jeremy Griffith explain the source, methodology and consequences of the deaf effect that can be summarized as the cause of “the human condition”.
There have been three ways of coping with the imperfections of our upset human condition while we couldn’t truthfully explain it: attack the unjust criticism; try to prove it wrong; and block it out of our mind. And as will become increasingly clear, it was this third method of blocking any criticizing truth out of our mind that has played a hugely important role in coping with our previously unexplained upset condition; we humans have had to adopt a great deal of block-out, denial and evasion of any truth that brought the unbearable issue of our upset condition into focus. So with the arrival now of the redeeming explanation of the human condition our human-condition-avoiding minds are clearly going to apply all that determinedly practiced block-out, denial and evasion to prevent us from taking in or ‘hearing’ what is being presented. As soon as discussion of the human condition begins, our minds will be subconsciously alert to the fact they are being taken into a historically off-limits realm and start blocking out what is being said. Our minds will suffer from a ‘deaf effect’ to what is being presented, with the consequence being that we will struggle to read and absorb the liberating and transforming explanation of the human condition. Our habituated practice of denial will prevent us from gaining our FREEDOM from the human condition!