By Victor M Fontane
One of the first observations made by ancient masters is that something can not comes from nothing nor can something suddenly become nothing. Like physical energy, there is a conservation principle at work. Energy can never be created or destroyed, it can only be transformed and reconfigured. Similarly, the mind is a continuum, where each moment gives rise to the next, which gives rise to the next, and so on.
At any given moment, there must have been a directly preceding moment that acted as the foundation for the next moment to emerge. This means that we cannot find a beginning of the mind. There has never been a time where nothing becomes something.
The fact that one moment is arising now is also the basis for the next moment to arise. The experience that arises depends on the actual conditions of the present. Although the new moment that arises will not be the same as the previous one, it is still mind and therefore we can never propose that the mind ends. There will never be a time when something becomes nothing. In this way we can affirm that the mind is a process of transformation without beginning or end and is always recycling in time in a spiral way, not lineal, as we believe on a Divinity or God that emanates, not creates all that exist.