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The 7 Rays Theory and Spiritual Trails in Trans-Himalayan Doctrine

By Victor M Fontane

The Seven Rays is a concept related to the Septenary Principle of manifestation of the universe. In The Secret Doctrine, the seven rays refer to the seven Primordial beings that appear on the highest plane of manifestation, in whom are the seeds for everything in the universe. They permeate every plane of the cosmos, including the solar system, the planet, and sentient beings. Later authors developed the subject further, assigning general characteristics to each ray, and applying them to Adepts, religions, human temperament, human activities, colors, crystals, etc. "The ray potentials, when evolved to perfection, will constitute in their harmonious union of differences the full achievement of the Divine plan."

Rays and Principles

These seven hierarchies are the "nursery and fountainhead of human beings" because they provide him with his seven Principles:

The seven prismatic colors are direct emanations from the Seven Hierarchies of Being, each of which has a direct bearing upon and relation to one of the human principles, since each of these Hierarchies is, in fact, the creator and source of the corresponding human principle.

Each Hierarchy furnishes the Aura of one of the seven principles in man with its specific color. Further, as each of these Hierarchies is the Ruler of one of the Sacred Planets, it will easily be understood how Astrology came into existence.

It is for this reason that human beings can be "divided into seven distinct groups", belonging to one of these seven rays:

The “triads” [or Monads] born under the same Parent-planet, or rather the radiations of one and the same Planetary Spirit (Dhyani Buddha) are, in all their after lives and rebirths, sisters, or “twin-souls,” on this Earth. This was known to every high Initiate in every age and in every country: “I and my Father are one,” said Jesus (John 10:30). When He is made to say, elsewhere (20:17): “I ascend to my Father and your Father,” it meant that which has just been stated. It was simply to show that the group of his disciples and followers attracted to Him belonged to the same Dhyani Buddha, “Star,” or “Father,” again of the same planetary realm and division as He did.

Below is a list of Adepts heads of Rays (Chohans) and a brief reference to their work according to C. W. Leadbeater:

  • First Ray: Master Morya. "He stands with all the unshakable and serene strength of His Ray, playing a great part in that work of guiding men and forming nations."

  • Second Ray: Master Kuthumi. "Ray of Wisdom, which gives great Teachers to the world."

  • Third Ray: The Venetian: In this Ray "there appears very strongly the characteristic of adaptability [with] great tact, and a rare faculty for doing the right thing at the right moment. Astrology is connected with this Ray."

  • Fourth Ray: Master Serapis. "Harmony and beauty, and people who belong to His type are always unhappy until they can introduce harmony into their environment . . . Art counts for much on this Ray."

  • Fifth Ray: Master Hilarion. "His influence is upon most of the great scientists of the world, and people well advanced along His Ray are notable for their ability to make accurate observations, and be absolutely dependable where scientific investigation is concerned."

  • Sixth Ray: Master Jesus. "This is the Ray of the devotional saints and mystics of every religion."

  • Seventh Ray: Comte de St. Germain. "He works to a large extent through ceremonial magic, and employs the services of great Angels."

He also related the three aspects of the Logos with the different Rays, as they express through the Heads of the Brotherhood of Adepts:

As the Logos is a Trinity, so the Occult Government of the world is in three great departments, ruled by three mighty Officials, who are not merely reflections of the Three Aspects of the Logos, but are in a very real way actual manifestations of Them. They are the Lord of the World, the Lord Buddha and the Mahachohan, who have reached grades of Initiation which give them waking consciousness on the planes of nature beyond the field of evolution of humanity, where dwells the manifested Logos. The Lord of the World is one with the First Aspect on the highest of our seven planes, and wields the divine Will on earth; the Buddha is united with the Second Aspect which dwells on the Anupadaka plane, and sends the divine Wisdom down to mankind; the Mahachohan is utterly one with the Third Aspect, which resides in the Nirvanic plane and exercises the divine Activity--representing the Holy Ghost. He is verily the Arm of the Lord stretched out into the world to do His work. 

So, as humanity, we are in him (the Dhyani-Buddha that emanated us) as he is in us and every one belongs to one of the Dhyani-Buddha families.

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