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Teachings of Maitreya: The Laws of Life Part Three

By Victor M Fontane

What is changing?

It is the individual who is changing., experiencing a grater and deeper awareness.

In awareness everything becomes purified.

In awareness everyone is forgiven.

In awareness the Self realizes he is not the doer, but the witness of creation. The Self witnesses the functions of mind, spirit and body but is free of them. Is there then any stress, confusion, chaos?

In the Light, there are no argumentes.

“ The Lord is not evil. You (the Self) are not evil. Because you cleave to form you are attached to traditions, creeds, ideologies. Where you part from them you experience regrets, unhappiness. In Reality neither form nor belief divide. In the Light, in Oneness, there are no arguments; everyone can see. In darkness, even just two people will argue. Because you cannot communicate with Reality you experience contradictions and chaos.

Life after death.

Life in the Universe is absolute; in creation it is always relative. That is why people should not cry at death; it is not something horrible or ghastly. Their friends and loved ones have simply returned to their homeland. The books and writings received by writers through channeled sources are a sign that this message about life on the other side of death is beginning to get through to humanity.

Awareness purifies.

Awareness is something so sacred that it purifies the Self and frees it from creation. It brings about salvation and oneness with the Creator. Now that Maitreya Himself has come to teach us we no longer need gurus to saints. We are made aware through Him.

Attachment to forces.

Forces are not ‘satanic’ in themselves. The same forces can be used to build and to destroy. If you become attached to evolutionary forces, you can become psychic, clairvoyant, etc., because you are using these forces to fulfill your thoughts-formations.

Mysteries of life.

When mind, spirit and body are in equilibrium and the Self thinks of anything in mind, that will materialize. The moment you desire an orange, it will be before you, etc.

When you experience this, it will no longer be a mystery. Until you reach this stage, it remains a supreme mystery of life. Anyone, at any stage, can learn the art of self-realization and will find he can enjoy life. Life is enjoyed, with dettachment.

The Self.

The Self is presence, awareness and light: presence in time, awareness in eternity, and light. “We are all sparks of the Almighty”.

Life is balance.

Creation has energy and if that energy is disturbed it can shake our world and even break it. But it can be rebuilt. “One has to be careful with energy. If you try to posses it, it will destroy you. You may be good at mathematics and become a first class mathematician. But what happens? You can become unbalanced if there is no equilibrium on the intellectual level.

“It is the same if you are caught up in spiritualism, you can become obsessive. Be detached and intelligently use that energy, Life is equilibrium and balance.

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