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Teachings of Maitreya: The Laws of Life Part One

By Victor M Fontane


How can you say Jesus is the only begotten Son of God, if the Light which exists in Jesus exists in the entire creation? Equilibrium and harmony will automatically evolve out of this realization. Likewise, “if you personify Me, run after Me, you will create nothing but confusion, chaos, destruction”. “Even My signs create only momentary happiness. The happiest moment is when you see Me within your heart.”


All religions are at fault for the suffering in the world. “Instead of teaching salvation, religions are creating pockets of imprisonment. You are to teach the individual that to Self-realize is his destiny - the ultimate freedom and the ultimate salvation. The moment you personify teachings, you create Demi-gods and dogmas which imprison.”

Further, “If you personify the teachings, embodying it, you are creating something different”.

Jesus and Buddha.

The experiences the Lord gave Jesus are being given to certain disciples today. But in the case of Jesus, his mind initially became possessive of those experiences. The mind tried to use the spiritual powers to achieve certain goals. He began to preach. The priests challenged him: “Can you free yourself, if you are God?” Jesus could do nothing at that moment.

When Jesus was on the Cross and asked: ”My Lord, My Lord, why hast Thou forsaken me?” He was given a vision. He understood then that the mind should not run after spiritual forces. He was taught at that moment that the entire creation is the Lord’s.

The prayer given out now by Maitreya was given to him: “Without the Lord’s will, nothing takes place.”

Upon experiencing the vision, Jesus said: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Jesus was concerned about disparities between rich and poor. “In the eyes of the Lord, no one is rich or poor.” One should try to realize the Self. Thus one will use what one needs and pass on the excess.

If you preach out of a personal desire, to cling to power, to maintain your position, you create “positive fear” because no one has experienced the Almighty.

The moment you experience the Almighty, you are no longer what you were. You merge into Light straightaway. This is why the Lord gives a vision in the form the mind can understand and the spirit can absorb.

When you are free of attachments, as the Buddha was, you are given the vision of the Absolute (nirvana).

“Even if you have reached a very high state of evolution, you cannot say: ’I am the Lord’. You can simply say: ‘I am the messenger of the Lord.”

A Prayer for the New Age

I am the creator of the universe. I am the father and mother of the universe. Everything comes from me. Everything shall return to me. Mind, spirit and body are my temples, for the self to realize in them My supreme being and becoming.

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