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Teachings of Maitreya: The Laws of Life Part Four

By Victor M Fontane

The third eye.

The 'third eye’ will eventually develop. That is the destiny of one and all. It is our common heritage. When the third eye opens, you can see the four kingdoms. The pattern of events on Earth will be seen on the astral an mental planes. “There is no freedom or salvation there. Freedom and salvation lie in detachment”.

[Note: ‘third eye’ is not a physical eye but the name given to a centre (vortex) of energy in the head. It is the result of interaction between the crown centre and ajna centre.]


Perfection is only in the Supreme Being. We are not in the Supreme Being. We simply experience the reflection of the Supreme Being in the process of creation. No one should make attempts to be perfect in creation, because this leads to a fight against the forces of life.

Causes of suffering.

Neither scientist, intellectuals nor philosophers can understand why there is suffering in life, why we are inflicted by such terrible diseases. The can not understand because they have a materialistic approach to life. Man does not exist on the physical plane alone but on the mental and spiritual planes as well.

Man has worked very hard and created much material wealth and knowledge but has paid little attention to the mental and spiritual bodies.

Spiritual bankruptcy creates the suffering of desease in the world, while physical disasters such as earthquakes, explosions and murder come about because of ill-health on the mental plane.

World leaders, political and religious, have done nothing for the spiritual welfare of humanity. You do not have to look far to understand how the spiritual and mental worlds interact in human affairs - no further than an ordinary family.

Life consist of the mind, spirit and body. If the physical body is starved it weakens and become sick; if the spiritual body is starved a person fades and dies; if the mental body is starved a person loses his direction in life.

The natural food for the mind, spirit and body is honesty, sincerity and detachment. If the natural evolution of these bodies is retarded or hampered by man-made laws there are always disastrous consequences.

Self and mind.

Ask yourself who is trying to acquire knowledge and wisdom. It is you, the Self? No. It is the mind. When the mind and spirit struggle, you (the Self) are caught in the crusade.

The role of the Self.

What happens to the Self? The Self witnesses. The Self plays the ‘mini-role’ of the Almighty. The Self is the spark of the Almighty. The Self simply observes the processes of mind, spirit and body. In this sense also, the Almighty never interferes in the Becoming. The Self makes itself known through awareness. The Self makes mind, spirit and body aware of reality. Then, mind spirit and body respect the awareness of the Self and make decisions accordingly. “Let your awareness grow. Awareness, with intelligence, will guide mind ,spirit and body. This will create harmony between mind, spirit and body and the Self”. Then the Self can use the forces of Life to transform things, to effect ‘miracles’. Mind, spirit and body are simply vehicles.

The road to awareness.

Awarenesses Vishnu, the aspect of Deity which sustain and nurtures mid, spirit and body. Awareness is universal. It does not ‘belong’ to any religion, nor to any guru, saint or politician. When you judge, saying: ‘I am right, you are wrong’, you are caught in the web of attachment. The Self must always practice detachment. In this way, awareness will grow.


When Jesus went to various places preaching “Love thy neighbor as thyself”, he also preached honesty and sincerity, because this creates love within you. The rabbis went to Mary to complain that her son was preaching things which were not in line with their teaching. Mary will ask Jesus why he was teaching in this way. At times there were arguments. Had tempers flared, Mary could have thought: “My son is mad”. This is conditioning. Conditioning is like an egg, once incubated, the life within bursts though the shell. When conditioning cracks, there is a sense of relief Conditioning can crack with or without awareness.

When conditioning cracks without awareness the result is a shock. It has such power it can even Destry part of the memory. Tremendous energy is tied up there, like a volcano when intense heat causes it to erupt. The destiny of conditioning is that it will burst. No one can remain conditioned for ever. “Be detached, then you will not be conditioned".

Conditioning and karma.

Cyclical patterns of cause and effect (karma) govern our lives. As long as we are conditioned, these cyclical patterns repeat themselves. Detachment releases us from repetitive cycles.

The energy tied up in conditioning is like the energy contained in a volcano. When the volcano erupts, all is drama. When the lava cools, when the energy cools down, it is possible to see how beautiful the patterns in the lava are.

We are observers in this vast creation. If we observe with a strong sense of detachment, we will find beauty, equilibrium, harmony in it.

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