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Something to think about

By Victor M Fontane

John Lennon said that

We live in a world where we hide to make love

while violence is practiced

in broad daylight.


We live in a world where a phone vibrates louder than a heart.

We live in a world where food is full of chemicals, while soap contains cereals, honey and vitamins.

We live in a world where televisions are thinner and people are fatter.

We live in a world where phones are smarter than their owners.

We live in a world where painting graffiti is a crime and killing a bull is art.

We live in a world where the way you dress is valued more than the way you think.

We live in a world where a pizza arrives faster than the police, or an Uber arrives before an ambulance.

We live in a world where animals are better friends than people.

We live in a world where we do not try to solve problems, but rather live with them.

We live in a world where the funeral matters more than the deceased and where the celebration of a wedding is more important than love.

We live in a world where social media is full of happy photos and sad people.

We live in a world in which more is demanded of a footballer than of a politician.

We live in a world where things are valued more than people.

We are convinced that this world is the one we have to live in, without reflecting on the fact that each person has the power to live in the world they choose and not in the one they are assigned.

You decide the world you want to have. You have the power to change yours and, therefore, that of those around you.

NOTHING is impossible here.

Impossible takes just a little bit longer...

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