By Victor M Fontane
All is energy and vibration - The known Universe or Event Horizon (what we are able to see and observe through naked eyes or technology) is made out of energy in different degrees of manifestation and is always vibrating and changing.
Law of attraction - This law keeps the cosmic matter and form to create celestial bodies, attract and maintain planets, solar systems and galaxies together through gravity and electromagnetism. Also support karma, relationships and the manifestation of what we call Love.
Law of karma - This is a fair Universal law to maintain cosmic energy balance. Every action has a reaction, result or consequence. This is what keeps humans trapped in the physical world going constantly through the process of birth and death not evolving spiritually to achieve his highest potential. "What goes around, comes around". Understanding the law of Karma is not a matter of guilt but assuming responsibility of our own actions, we tend to blame everything for what happens to us and never question why it happens. Most of the time we do some things because we don't know better. Fever is not in the blanket. The first step to solve a situation or problem is acknowledging that we have it but understanding that ultimately is not a problem but opportunity. It’s also called “Action”.
Law of correspondence - The Universe at his macro level (Solar Systems, Galaxies, etc.) and micro level (cellular, atomic and subatomic) as well is the same and behave in the same way. "What is above so below, what is outside so inside”.
Law of evolution - All cosmic energy and matter is constantly evolving and changing, from the simple degree of energy to the more complex and evolved organism.
Law of emptiness - Interdependence. We accept reality as it appears but nothing really exists as it appears (emptiness) which means that all phenomenon lacks inherent nature and depends on other phenomena to exist.
The more you understand these laws the more you understand your life experiences.