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Shifting From the Wheel of Samsara

By Victor M. Fontane

All ancient scriptures and wisdom mention what the human purpose of life is and it is to evolve spiritually to achieve the highest potential and escape from The Wheel of Samsara or the cycle of death and rebirth. For this to happen cleaning the accumulated karma is very important and of course not creating new negative karma among other spiritual practices. Ultimately Karma is genetic memory. So for example, dealing with prosperity from the physical standpoint does not liberate us from the wheel as we get more attached to the physical world and not being prosperous is a result of our karma from past life actions.

So the first step to deal with being prosperous is to clean the karmic seeds created in past lives and work on our spiritual evolution for prosperity then be manifested in the physical realm. Lack of prosperity now is the consequence of our past actions.

The question now is: how I envision my next life?

We need to start working now to have what we want physically or spiritually.

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