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Search for Enlightenment

By Victor M Fontane

The real goal in human’s life is God realization or self realization or finding the real purpose of life and the wealth-fare of the world and be spiritually free which is also de goal of all religions, spiritual philosophies and teachings.

So, being the spiritual quest the quest of all, there are four aspects to consider:

  • Realizing who and what I am (path of enquiry or knowledge (Jnana Yoga in Sanskrit).

  • Meditation, sitting for a moment quiet and cutting off from the outside world, the truth will be revealed (Raja Yoga in Sanskrit)

  • Devotional aspect, love to your teacher (Bhakti Yoga in Sanskrit).

  • Karma Yoga, the path of action and service to others, transformation of our action to service others (not only worship in the Temple but also in service to others).

One important concept we have to consider is that you don’t have to be a monk, priest, minister, etc. to be spiritual as we all are seeking for our liberation from suffering and be spiritually free. Also, there are thousand of people seeking for that spiritual freedom. So, as human species we are bound by our spiritual evolution to cope with the evolution of all species in the planet and the Universe and it will happen, the sooner the better.

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