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By Victor M Fontane

We start in this incarnation where we end in our last life and we bring to our new life all the tendencies (sanskaras) of what we did, what we were and all our karma accumulated. Then, if you pay good attention to your son in his early life you will know his strength, weaknesses and his tendencies, negative or positive that will manifest in this one so you can help and guide him to achieve his highest human potential without imposing your views and preferences.

Problem is that we are totally unaware, ignorant and never pay attention to this and when the baby misbehave or manifest negative behavior we excuse him with, “leave him alone, is just a baby”. Exactly, and that the moment to be mindful, understand the experience and take the actions to work with it and in a positive way correct the behavior.

In the other hand, because of being also unaware of, when the kid manifest positive actions or tendencies like in the arts or any other kind of career like medicine, engineering or any other skills people do nothing to encourage that tendency.

Raising a human being is the most important and complicated endeavor that we have but we take it lightly.

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