Râja Yoga is the true system for the development of psychic and spiritual powers and union with one's Higher Self—the Supreme Spirit, as the layman would express it. It is the exercise, regulation and concentration of thought. Râja Yoga is the opposite of Hatha Yoga, a physical or psychophysiological training in asceticism.
(Theosophical Glossary, p. 275)
Yoga is the practice of meditation as a means leading to spiritual liberation. Through it psycho-spiritual powers are obtained, and ecstatic states induced leading to the clear and correct perception of eternal truths, both in the visible and invisible universe. ( Ibid . p. 381)
The Yogi state, when attained, makes its practitioner an absolute master of its “six” principles, he being now merged in the seventh. It gives him full control, by his knowledge of Self and of Himself, over his bodily, intellectual, and mental states, which being no longer incapable of interfering with, or acting upon his Ego, leave him free to exist in his original, pure, and divine state. ( Ibid . p. 381)
Through true Raja Yoga, “one arrives at the development of purely spiritual powers and the knowledge leading to Nirvana. ( Ibid . p. 321)
Every adept must become a Raja Yogi. ( Secret Doctrine , I, p. 157)
Raja Yoga, the Yoga of the mind, is absolutely indispensable to correctly develop our concrete mind and without the development and control of our mental body it is not possible to move on to Agni Yoga or Yoga of Fire.
Everything has its process and if we skip steps it has its consequences and we can believe that we are in Agni Yoga when we are somewhere else which could be the lower astral.
H. P. BLAVATSKY on MARCH 7, 2007