By Victor M Fontane
The great Atisha (Atiśa Dīpankara Śrījñāna, Buddhist religious leader and master, 982AD-1054CE) would purify any negativity , no matter how small, immediately with the four opponent powers.
Atisha practiced purification in this way because of his deep realization of the psycho-mechanics of negative karma, especially its four fundamentals:
Negative karma is certain to bring suffering; it multiplies exponentially; if eradicated, it cannot bring its suffering results; and once created, it never simply disappears.
Through the study and practice of Dharma, we should try to attain Atisha’s level of understanding . Thus, we can be like the great Atisha - whenever we notice we have broken a vow or created any other kind of negative karma, we can purify that negativity with the four opponent powers without a second’s delay.
Purification with the four opponent powers:
The Power of Dependence ( addiction). Taking refuge, specially in the The three jewels, Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.
The Power of Regret. Recognize our negative karma accumulated through many incarnations and generate strong feelings of regret and urgency to resolve it.
The Power of Remedy. Mantra recitation and generating faith in having been purified.
The Power of Restraint. Refraining from creating negativities again. Meditation on emptiness.