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Our physical vehicle or body is a perfect machine

By Victor M Fontane

Our body is the most known elaborate and perfect self sustained mechanism in the Universe and this physical life is the only way we have to evolve as species to achieve our highest human potential and return to our divine state. But, why that doesn’t happen? Why do we have just a short life that’s not enough to fulfill our real reason to be alive?

First, we feed our body the wrong way and for the wrong reason,  just to satisfy our physical cravings and our ego, not to stay healthy. We contaminate our environment like a fish in the water he lives at, shortening our life, getting sick, aging and dying. About 330 billion cells are replaced daily, equivalent to about 1 percent of all our cells. In 80 to 100 days, 30 trillion will have replenished—the equivalent of a new you.

Second, we feed our mind also with information that contaminates our reasoning letting emotions, that by the way are mostly created by false understanding of reality, control our behavior and finally, we buried our divine consciousness in the depths of our soul based on information and teachings created just for the sake of controlling our mind.

That lead to a routine created in our societies to live a short life  after born of studying, working, aging and dying without  any important achievement for us or other fellow human.

The day we change to live a meaningful life our human species will survive and move to a new cycle of existence.

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