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By Victor M Fontane

  • The oldest tradition is the Chaldea-Bramhanica.

  • The Universe was built through 32 paths or numbers according to the Kabalah and 25 elements or energies.

  • In the numbers they use from 1 to 9 and the 0 represents the unmentionable, the absolute. And 0 is where everything comes from and where everything returns to.

  • Numbers are intelligences, powers or beings.

  • In the case of children, in the Vedas the first born is equivalent to Bramha, the second to Vishnu and the third to Shiva.

  • The most important numbers are 3, 5, 7, and 9 or 108 (beads in a rosary or Japamala).

  • The numbers represent the planets of our system.

  • Any name can be transformed into a number and if they are handled, and if it’s handled in the gematria (a Kabbalistic method of interpreting the Hebrew scriptures by computing the numerical value of words, based on those of their constituent letters), the power of the name is manifested.

  • When calculated in gematria we see the intelligences that influence the most.

  • The numbers are applied differently in the three planes: physical, celestial and intellectual.

  • Secrets of the zodiac: Neither the sign nor the constellation of Libra exist, it is a screen to hide a secret of the human body.

  • The Kalachakra zodiac is tropical.

  • The astral light that theosophy mentions is the Linga Sarira or subtle body.

  • Karmic number is obtained by adding all the digits of the date of birth, eg. 12/25/1948 - 1+2+2+5+1+9+4+8=32=5, planet Mercury.

  • The Sun in astrology is a screen and the 12 signs of the zodiac are the Angels.

  • The sign of Capricorn is the creator of the Universe and the most powerful.

  • Diseases by numbers (each one has a weakness).

  1. Sun - circulatory system, eyes and problems eating at night.

  2. Moon - digestive system, nervous and lungs (mucus), avoid stress, no dairy before bed and mental conditions.

  3. Jupiter - legs and back, skin, liver, pancreas and gallbladder.

  4. Raju (dragon head or north node) - difficult to diagnose health conditions, high blood pressure, insomnia (take cumin grain after meals.

  5. Mercury - skin problems, respiratory system and stressful situations for a long time.

  6. Venus - kidneys, reproductive and urinary system, venous system and diabetes.

  7. Ketu (dragon's tail or south node) - digestive and lymphatic system.

  8. Saturn - bones, melancholy, accidents, chronic conditions and mental conditions.

  9. Mars - muscular system, digestive, acute conditions, beware of fires and/or explosives.

  • Missing numbers in the karmic number and effects:

3 - in this incarnation seeking the guidance of a spiritual teacher.

6 - important to have fun, free time and laugh.

7 - do not intervene or trap yourself in situations that do not correspond to you.

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