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By Victor M Fontane

Nibbana and ANITHYA, DUKKHA, ANATHMA..!!! 

  • Nibbana is the extinguishing of the passions, the "blowing out" or "quenching" of the activity of the grasping mind and its related unease. Nirvana is the goal of many Buddhist paths, and leads to the soteriological release from dukkha and rebirths in saṃsāra (life).

  • Dukkha refers to the 'suffering' or 'unsatisfactoriness' of life. A person might temporarily fulfil their desires but suffering – whether physical, emotional or mental – cannot be avoided.

  • Anathma is that inner consciousness that is permanent and all pervading. It is that principle, which makes the inner body function, which is one substance that takes forms to manifest itself in the world of transaction, that changeless principle being witness to the changing world and so on. All that changes, has a beginning or end are anathmas and athma is different from all these.

I think now a days even a child who passed 8th standard or grade very clearly understands that:

1) every living thing will die (the concept of impermanence)

2) every one suffer (because they have seen crying chief ministers and prime ministers who many times don't mind crying even in front of tv camera for power)

3) each eye, ear, heart, kidney, leg, hand etc is not me because you see them  being replaced just like auto mobile parts when gone wrong.

4) as we know these are the liberating components of understanding to cease suffering. 

Even after knowing the above, who really attained nibbana in present time? 

In Buddha's time Buddha him self gave names of lot of people. 

Then why now a days no body claim they got nibbana or say exactly these are the persons who attained it?

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