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Miracles from Buddhist Perspective

By Victor M Fontane

For Buddhism levitating over the ground walking on water, healing people or other paranormal phenomena are not a divine manifestation that we call miracles.They are only physical natural manifestations that human mind is not yet capable to understand and never serve a real purpose of solving the human condition. Understanding and resolving the real human condition, pain and suffering, segregation, the ultimate reality of all experiences, life itself and spiritual evolution is the real miracle. The rest is just a construct of human mind.

CERN (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire) it’s being using the Large Hadron Collider where they supposedly uncover the fundamental of the particles that make up everything around us, what the universe is made of and how it works. Finally, the “emissary” at CERN was right when he said that we had a “mental particle accelerator” inside which is already set to create positive realities.

The message of “them” was clear: “before trying to scientifically progress in the mysteries that contain new subatomic technologies, we must be able to feel the source of that living energy”. That is why the true contact begins with ourselves. Although the “Minius” is sought on the “outside”, it can be found within each being.

Again, being able to “feel” the source of that living energy is the real miracle.

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