Matrix of Mystery
Herbert V. Guenther
Introduces the fundamental concepts of the Dzogchen Buddhist tradition. It discusses how reality can be understood as a dynamic, holistic process characterized by complexity and interdependence. It explores key insights into the "matrix of mystery" or essence of reality, including the ground, communicative thrusts that optimize experience, and the ever-active nature of being. It describes how reality's openness and dynamism unfold its structuring through auto-elucidation and compassionate resonance within individuals. This book poses the following question: “how it is that man is both the encodement (as preserver) and the encoder (as transmitter) of essential insights into the structure of Reality?”, put differently, “how are we to understand that fantastically improbable complexity termed ‘man’ so that, that equally complex notion of ‘tradition” - as that which preserves and transmits essential insights - is itself comprehensible?”
The specific tradition in question here is rDzog chen.
Tradition, as defined by Buddhists, consist of lung and stogs, or texts and the realization which comes from accessing and understanding their meaning. These texts are best understood not only as mere literary works but as embodiments of a “fundamental concern”(don nyid).
“This fundamental concern is the ever active energizing matrix (snying po) which operates throughout the whole of Reality so as to refine (byang) and optimize (chub) the functional intelligence which inhere, however dimly, in each and every sentient being”. That is to say, the fundamental concern of the rDzog chen tradition is Reality as a dynamic, holistic process.